
Meditation is a practice that regulates the nervous system reducing stress and allows you to connect with your inner-self and can take you to a deeper state of relaxation.  It is one practice that you might choose on your path to self-realization. When practicing meditation regularly, it can help you overcome negative thoughts, reduce stress and help to alleviate depressive feelings and thoughts. There is scientific data to back that up. There are also different forms of meditation – a physical practice such as yoga or running can be a meditative practice, chanting and other forms exist too…the list goes on. You'll find tools and resources that you can use to begin a meditation or deepen one here.

Meditation Articles, Videos and Audio Files

Let go and create space with this cord cutting meditation.Let go of limiting beliefs, cut energetic ties to a person, place or thing including ancestral patterns or family wounds with this guided cord cutting meditation. A long time

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Why mantra meditation?Mantra meditation is a meditation technique that uses sound to open the heart and quiet the mind. Mantra meditation allows your mind to focus and concentrate clearing away other thoughts, emotions and distractions that can divert

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What do we mean by creating more space in our lives?What do we mean by creating more space in our lives? We can look at this question from two perspectives - in terms of what we do and

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The past and the future no longer exist. There is only now. That’s the essential truth, and it is equally true that the past teaches us important lessons and our bodily survival & social systems require us to

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Starting a meditation practice does not need to be complicated. I am here to help you simplify how to start a meditation practice with this step-by-step guide. Let go of expectations. Meditation has wonderful benefits. Meditation has become

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Audio Meditations

This original heart opening 30-minute meditation by The Mindful Soul Center is mostly guided with background music. This heart centred music was composed with the notes and frequency of the heart chakra. This meditation allows you to connect

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PUBLIC Meditation Playlists

Mindful Soul Center Meditations on SoundCloud 

Mindful Soul Center's YouTube [Public] Meditation Playlist

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Cosmic Buddha with Scarab Beetle Art by Amy Adams


Love what you do, be meditative while you are doing it whatsoever it is! - Osho quote
The goal of meditation isn't to control your thoughts, it is to stop letting them control you. - quote by anonymous

Repeating Mantras 108 Times

Have you heard that it is best to repeat a mantra 108 times? The ancient Indians from the East figured out approximately, 8000 years ago or perhaps before then that the diameter of the Sun x 108 times gives you the distance from the Earth to the Sun, and the diameter of the Moon x 108 times gives you the distance from the Earth to the Moon. 108 is a cosmic ratio of the 2 celestial bodies that affect the Earth and make life possible. Based on this data, mantras were to be repeated 108 x to ward off any negative planetary influences.


Om is a sacred sound, spiritual symbol and a mantra. It is linked to divine knowledge and the cosmos and you will find a lot written about it in sacred texts in various spiritual practices. It originated with Hinduism. It is said to be the primordial sound of creation and is also referred to as Brahman the genderless concept of the transcendent and permanently pervading Supreme Cosmic Spirit that sustains the universe, the ultimate reality.

It makes sense that the syllabic sound would be used as an incantation since words are insufficient to express the vast, inexplicable and infinite creation – that this sound syllable is said to express. As an incantation, the sound of Om through chanting offers a person the opportunity to connect with the divine self in us, outside of us that permeates everything – the mystery that is unknowable yet known.

Mindful Soul Center OM/AUM Logo

Some spiritual teachers will ask you to focus not on the sound of OM itself but to listen to the silence between the OMs.

In 2011, a study was undertaken to measure the effects of chanting OM. Does it simply relax the brain, does it stimulate the vagus nerve? What about the positive effects similar to another method used in the treatment of depression? There was some conclusive evidence that chanting OM does, in fact, have positive effects and that further study is warranted and necessary to help find how it may treat ‘disease.’

Moving beyond meditation exploring yogic life:

Yoga Postures, Philosophy, Chakras & Mudras

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